There have always been ‘natural’ remedies that the indigenous populations have used in most parts of the tropics – their reported efficiency has become part of the local folklore. These include Neem bark, Eucalyptus leaves, and Myrrh oil. Some of these materials contain PMD and will affect the mosquitoes' larvae; through this action, it is then assumed that they will be repellent to the fully grown mosquitoes. The Chinese have a general phrase for repellents – Quwenling – meaning ‘effective repeller of mosquitoes.’
Menthanediol (para-menthane-3,8-diol or PMD) is a naturally derived insect repellent comparable to synthetic ingredients currently available. Its molecular structure is close to Mentol, providing a cooling effect.
Menthanediol has been shown to reduce the bites of mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks, and biting midges. At a concentration of 20%, it is effective for approximately 4 hours against the Anopheles Gambiae mosquito. It is proven to be an effective naturally derived insect repellent active.
Comparative tests showed that Menthanediol was superior to Citronella, a product most people think of when natural repellents are mentioned. Another test showed that a repellent active PMD increases the duration of repellency by using a higher concentration.