
Cosmetic Ingredients (CI) Guide is created and edited by a team of enthusiasts who make a relatively extensive glossary and search engine for personal care ingredients, providing access to continuously updated information. This tool has helped many customers check the suitability of unexplored ingredients for their skin, body, and hair or choose the most corresponding product.

The demand for safer products in the personal care industry is rapidly increasing. Consumers are becoming more aware of different products' effects on their health, society, and the environment. They check labels and choose personal care formulations with harmless ingredients, and the Cosmetic Ingredients Guide is becoming increasingly popular among responsible customers.

This new wave of consciousness encourages producers to design products geared to the key demands of sustainability: environmental compatibility, biodegradability, tolerance in the application, and a high proportion of natural, renewable raw materials. As more products with novel ingredients appear in the market, our team monitors and updates facts, safety data, and effects, trying to provide as much information as possible about the particular formula.

We're using the CosIng database published on the European Commission's website and the Global Substance Registration System's Unique Ingredient Identifiers (UNIIs) database published on the FDA's website. However, the INCIGuide team can describe any personal care ingredient listed in any open database, including the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS), Chinese Cosmetic Ingredient Regulatory Databases, etc.