Chamomile extract has been used in several skin conditions including slow-healing wounds, inflammation, and infections. It contains a lot of bioactive compounds including several polyphenols and flavonoids with antioxidant and antimicrobial and significant antiplatelet effects.
Flavonoids form a large family of vegetable compounds. She had to color in vegetables, fruit, and flowers the large variation, from yellow to red and dark purple. These round insects (for pollination) or plant eaters (for the spread of the seeds) announce color to pull.
Flavons (Latin flavus = yellow) have their name from the plant compound that became used for the yellow paints of wool and cotton. They are indicated also as bioflavonoids and former as a vitamin P. Until now there are more than 4000 kinds of flavonoids described. They can become distinguished on the basis of their chemical structure in Flavons, Flavonols, Catechins, Isoflavones, Flavonons, and Anthocyans.